TeleMedicine /
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TeleMedicine / TeleHealth
TeleMedicine/TeleHealth is a Megatrend in our modern society and a must-have benefit. Affordable Health Care may be hard to find and options are sometimes limited. For this reason, Niroc Consultants Partnered with Health Alliance Network to provide another option. Through the Health Alliance Network, Niroc’s clients are able to have access to a national telemedicine network of US Board Certified Physicians for their urgent care needs, discounted lab services, and prescriptions for a very reasonable cost of $14.99 per employee per month. And, the access is available 24/7 throughout all 50 states, US Territories, and Puerto Rico. Each plan supports up to 10 individuals per household even while traveling or in college.
Please note that the Health Alliance Network is NOT an insurance product, it’s a monthly membership. Perfect as an attraction and retention tool for employers who don’t provide group medical coverage. Excellent for employers who offer group medical coverage as a cost-reduction mechanism since urgent care-related charges are kept off the group medical plan.
For more information, please visit Why Niroc Consultants Partnered with Health Alliance Network. Or please contact Niroc Consultants anytime.

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